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I live in a country where water, gas and electricity are rationed.
I live in a country where increase in fuel price affects everything under the sun including burial charges.
I live in a country where 55%of the adult population are not literate.
I live in a country where mineral rich communities are impoverished.
I live in a country where road traffic accident claims more lives than malaria and HIV combined.
I live in a country where childbirth could possibly be your death sentence.
I live in a country where it’s health system is teetering on the brink of collapse.
I live in a country where mediocrity is glorified.
I live in a country where officials elected to solve problems of the nation rather add to the problem.
I live in a country where women are still marginalized.
I live in a country where the naming of the seat of government is national debate for a week.
I live in a country where drinking bars abound and libraries are scarce.
I live in a country where Christians abound but corruption and bribery is rift.
I live in a country where God is the one on duty and every other person is waiting on him.
I live in a country whose citizens are more religious than God himself yet these same people hide behind the name of God to do unimaginable things.
I live in a country where even though we have elected public officials, we entrust our future to 200 supposed ‘men of God’ to go to Jerusalem to seek solution to our problems.
I live in a country where in the face of all these challenges people still have hope and wake up each day to make a difference.
Written on 16th March, 2013 after it was revealed that some pastors were going on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem sponsored by a philanthropist to pray for the nation and government was the facilitator.